Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Confirmed: Tom Defalco and Ron Frenz Return to Spider-Girl!

A preview of the Marvel solicitations for January has confirmed that not only will the 'Legendary' Tom Defalco be writing Spider-Girl for a story in Spider-Verse Team-Up #3 (of 3) but the talented Ron Frenz will be teaming-up to provide pencils. (Do you think Ron's middle name is 'and his Amazing'?) I'm also wondering if Sal Busema will ink the story, completing the trifecta?

Who are you, Mystery-Silhoutte-Person?

While Tom Defalco's return to the character was announced back in July, later it seemed Tom hadn't heard anything since being approached. It's genuinely good news to hear that the classic team of Tom and Ron will be returning to Spider-Girl. I was beginning to loose faith I'd ever see them back on the character. Now, what ever happens in Spider-Verse, at least I've got this tale to look forward too.

The only other item of interest relating to the solicitation information that relates to Mayday Parker is in the description:

The SPIDER-GIRL team reunites for a story about Mayday and a mystery Spider!

Hmmm, I wonder who the mysterious Spider-Character could be? MC2 Kaine? Mayhem? No, that silhouette looks kinda male in shape. Maybe it's Benjy Parker from the future? Yeah, I like that idea! Then we might get a chance to see a version of the unpublished original story of Spider-Girl #60, the one that was supposed to be the final issue, and I believe it would have depicted a future glimpse of Benjamin Parker, all grown up. Either that, or I'm completely wrong and it's an entirely different character.

Looking forward to reading this, guys! You've been greatly missed!

Until Li'l Benjy - The Spectacular Spider-Baby crosses over into Spider-Verse, I remain
