Showing posts with label Peter Porker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Porker. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Raimi-Verse References in the Swiney-Verse


A fun little side-piece to my two Spider-Man: No Way Home related posts Raimi-Verse References in the MC2 and MC2 in the TASM-Verse, today we’ll be taking a very brief look at the Raimi-Verse in the Swiney-Verse.


A lifetime ago I wrote about the Sensational Swiney-Girl and I later mentioned the character’s appearance as a playable character in the Spider-Man Unlimited mobile game.  But let's skip ahead and recap starting with Amazing Spider-Man Family #4 where Tom Defalco leaves hoof-marks on his own creation 'Spider-Girl’ when he and artist Shawn Moll introduce May 'Mayday' Porker, The Sensational Swiney-Girl. Miss Porker is the daughter of Peter Porker (definitely a pig) and Mary Crane Watsow (and not Mary Jane Waterbuffalo) and as such her origin somewhat mirrors our own Mayday's. Beginning by going into action to help her father against the Green Gobbler, (apparently Norman Osbird's son out to for revenge) Swiney-Girl goes on to face the Hay-Monger in Amazing Spider-Man Family #5 and in an epic two-part story in the Spider-Ham 25th Anniversary Special One-Shot, faces off with Crayfin the Bunter.


Anyway, lets look at the references to the original Spider-Man movie of the Raimi-Verse in the Swiney-Verse. In the origin story of Swiney-Girl seen in Amazing Spider-Man Family #4, we see a flashback to Peter Porker’s final battle with the Green Gobler (yes, I checked the spelling with the issue itself, one ‘b’) which is a clear nod to the first Spider-Man movie’s final confrontation with the Green Goblin. In the film, the Green Goblin presents Spider-Man with a sadistic choice atop the bridge; dangling a tram full of children in one hand and Mary Jane in the other.


Later in the same issue, we get another direct nod to the climactic battle of 2002’s Spider-Man film, when, in another flashback to Spider-Ham’s last showdown with the Green Gobler, we see Porker’s mask is damaged, exposing part of his face. This reference was pointed out by the MC2 A Day blog, please check it out hereAdditionally, Spider-Ham also mentions avoiding Thanksgiving ever since, which has to be another nod to the film’s plot.


I’ve enjoyed revisiting the Swiney-Girl stories while working on this post, I wish we had a few more. They deserve to be collected in a trade paperback at some point. Do you agree, let me know!

Until I get my own Ham Hock 3000 prosthesis and continue my bovine bravery, I remain



Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Review

I was lucky enough to attend an early screening of Sony's new animated film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and thought I'd share my thoughts with my readers. Beware, there will be SPOILERS from here on out!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Hamming It Up

It's about time things lightened up around here, I think. Yes, dear friends, it's time for me to talk about the major elephant in the room during Spider-Verse, the huge missed opportunity, the frankly obvious absence! Why, you guessed it, pal! It's the Sensational Swiney-Girl!

Granted, the Spider-Verse event is far from over and there is still time for May 'Mayday' Porker to make a game-changing, jaw-dropping surprise appearance in the coming months....but I doubt it somehow. What's that you say? You've never heard of the most famous second-generation hero in all of comic-dom?! Since you've clearly been living under a rock for the past five years, I'll give you a break and tell you!

Nearly 30 years ago the legendary writer/editor/all-around-good-guy Tom Defalco (along with artist Mark Armstrong) created 'Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham'  for a humor comic called Marvel Tails #1. Created as a funny animal parody, Spider-Ham has been hamming it up ever since- appearing all over the place and poking fun at various comics and concepts.

But let's skip ahead to Amazing Spider-Man Family #4 where Tom Defalco leaves hoof-marks on his own creation 'Spider-Girl'  when he and artist Shawn Moll the introduce May 'Mayday' Porker, The Sensational Swiney-Girl. Miss Porker is the daughter of Peter Porker (definitely a pig) and Mary Crane Watsow (and not Mary Jane Waterbuffalo) and as such her origin somewhat mirrors our own Mayday's. Beginning by going into action to help her father against the Green Gobbler, (apparently Norman Osbird's son out to for revenge) Swiney-Girl goes on to face the Hay-Monger in Amazing Spider-Man Family #5 and in a epic two-part story in the Spider-Ham 25th Anniversary Special One-Shot, faces off with Crayfin the Bunter! Oh my, yes!

Is it any wonder why I'm surprised that we haven't seen Swiney-Girl grace the pages of Spider-Verse? With Spider-Ham resurfacing yet again and with 'Every Spider-Man Ever' set to appear in this event....well, clearly May Porker is at the top of my list!

Until Swiney-Girl is revealed as the 'Secret Spider' that Mayday encounters....along with Earth X Venom and Spider-Girl 2020 and the Spider-Girl from the Astonishing Spider-Man comics in the UK and the one from Paradise X: Heralds and th---well, you get the idea-until then, I remain
