Saturday, 4 September 2021

Missed MC2 Costumes


It’s been a long time since I did a MC2 Costumes post. For anyone unfamiliar, I’ve so far detailed every variant costume (or robotic shell) worn by Bluestreak, J2, Freebooter, Mainframe and American Dream. While I’m not going to hit you with a full-blown new entry in this occasional series today, I did want to do a sort of update to cover some of the costumes I’ve missed from passed entries.


This first one I found while rereading J2 #11 for my recent posts covering Howard the Duck in the MC2 and Shang-Chi in the MC2. I genuinely don’t know how I missed it the first time, but here’s Zane Yama in his own standard looking martial arts training uniform or ‘gi’ after realizing he should have some fight training for when he isn’t a nearly indestructible behemoth of a boy as J2.


Next up is a very minor one I missed for American Dream: Shannon’s standard costume as it appeared in the American Dream mini-series (with wings on the helmet) sans her iconic gloves and disk launchers. I figured for completeness’s sake I’d include it here (American Dream #2).


Finally, while it’s not actually seen in the issue proper, from the Ron Frenz drawn cover of American Dream #4 we have a depiction of Shannon transformed into one of Silikong’scrystal creatures’ which were alternatively referred to as ‘crystal soldiers,’’crytal slaves’ or simply ‘crystal monsters’. The cover is a reference to the Red Queen and Silikong’s plan to turn American Dream into crystalline form to ‘publicise’ his elicit army building process.


That’s all I have for today. I may find time in the future to return to this series but I’m not sure when due to time constraints. If you think I’ve missed any more costumes or ‘looks’ let me know in a comment.


Until I develop my own line of super hero attire, I remain



Thursday, 2 September 2021

Shang-Chi in the MC2


By now you all know the new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is out and that means it’s time for another of my usual cheap tie-in post about their MC2 counterpart. Without further ado, here is Shang-Chi in the MC2.


Shang-Chi makes his solitary appearance in the MC2 in a story written by Tom Defalco and pencilled by Ron Lim from J2 #11. When American Dream of the Avengers turns down an invitation to participate in a martial arts contest, J2 aka Zane Yama takes it upon himself to attend in her place. Travelling via mystical amulet to a small island, J2 meets the (apparently) blind Howard the Duck, the self-proclaimed Master of Quack-Fu.


From Howard we learn that a few dozen of the world's greatest martial artists were invited to the contest, but only a few of the previous generation's 'old fogies' showed up. Among these ‘old fogies’ is Shang-Chi, sparring with Shen Kuei aka Cat. Other characters glimpsed include Iron Fist, the Sons of the Tiger and White Tiger.


 Suspecting a trap, Howard had hoped to stack the deck in his favour with American Dream, Stuck with J2 instead, Howard attempts to train the big lug to defend himself but has no success. When J2 reverts back to Zane Yama after his powers temporarily wear off, he encounters Blind Al. Concerned for Zane's well-being in the upcoming contest, Al attempts to get past Weasel to talk to the mystery person who organised the contest: Wade Wilson aka Deadpool.



Having followed Blind Al, Zane learns the contest will have a deadly ending. Encountering Deadpool, Zane turns back into J2 to duke it out with the mercenary. Deadpool reveals he set up the contest to alleviate his boredom. Having overheard his plans, Shang-Chi, Iron Fist, White Tiger, Cat and the Sons of the Tiger proceed to kick Wade’s butt off-panel.


While that’s it for Shang-Chi in the MC2, I’d like to quickly cover where this version of the character may branch off from the Main Marvel Universe. My best guess is similar to speculation for the Black Widow, with Shang-Chi making only a few major appearances in the late 1990’s. This leads me to suggest either Journey Into Mystery #514-516 or Elektra #16 as the point of divergence, the latter of which was published in early 1998. Feel free to disagree and leave me a comment!


Until I stop finding new excuses to discuss my favourite comic universe, I remain





Monday, 30 August 2021

The Collector in the MC2


The Collector aka Taneleer Tivan has returned to screens thanks to the new Disney+ series What If following his appearances in films such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Infinity War. So, as usual I’m going to detail the character’s MC2 counterpart: The Collector in the MC2.


During the events of Last Planet Standing, with Galactus poised to destroy the entire universe in an attempt to rid himself of his never-ending hunger, a gathering of the Great Powers of the Universe took place to discuss the threat posed to reality. The cosmic forces in attendance included Master Order, Lord Chaos, The In-Betweener, The Shaper of Worlds, The Living Tribunal, The Stranger, The Gardener and of course The Collector. Tivan argues they had failed to destroy Galactus in the past and would place Earth in jeopardy by attempting to again. (Last Planet Standing #2).


The Great Powers of the Universe’s attempt to reason with the World-Eater one last time fails. Ultimately deciding they must destroy Galactus using a combined destructive bolt strong enough to wipe out the Earth and the entire Milky Way Galaxy, the Great Powers are halted in their attempt when Reed Richards is forced to use his Transdimensional Cannon's single shot on the cosmic beings (Last Planet Standing #3).


That’s all we glimpse of The Collector in the MC2. It’s interesting to see Taneleer appear in his more alien form in Last Planet Standing, as this is apparently a more powerful form which fits with the seriousness of the threat of Galactus’ plot. Perhaps someday future writers will return to the MC2 and play around with the Great Powers of the Universe who reside there?


Until I finish my never-ending MC2 collection of posts, comics and products, I remain



Sunday, 29 August 2021

Howard the Duck in the MC2


Howard the Duck just keeps showing up on-screen! From his own self-titled film to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 to Avengers: Endgame and most recently the What If animated series, you can’t keep a good duck down! Here is Howard the Duck in the MC2.


Marvel’s most famous mallard makes his only appearance in the MC2 in J2 #11. When American Dream of the Avengers turns down an invitation to participate in a martial arts contest, J2 aka Zane Yama takes it upon himself to attend in her place. Travelling via mystical amulet to a small island, J2 meets the (apparently) blind Howard the Duck, the self-proclaimed Master of Quack-Fu.


From Howard we learn that a few dozen of the world's greatest martial artists were invited to the contest, but only a few of the previous generation's 'old fogies' showed up. Among these ‘old fogies’ is Shang-Chi, sparring with Shen Kuei aka Cat. Other characters glimpsed include Iron Fist, the Sons of the Tiger and White Tiger.


 Suspecting a trap, Howard had hoped to stack the deck in his favour with American Dream, Stuck with J2 instead, Howard attempts to train the big lug to defend himself but has no success. When J2 reverts back to Zane Yama after his powers temporarily wear off, he encounters Blind Al. Concerned for Zane's well-being in the upcoming contest, Al attempts to get past Weasel to talk to the mystery person who organised the contest: Wade Wilson aka Deadpool.



Having followed Blind Al, Zane learns the contest will have a deadly ending. Encountering Deadpool, Zane turns back into J2 to duke it out with the mercenary. Deadpool reveals he set up the contest to alleviate his boredom. Having overheard his plans, Shang-Chi, Iron Fist, White Tiger, Cat and the Sons of the Tiger proceed to kick Wade’s butt off-panel. Howard knowingly comments 'Everyone will keep fighting until--at the critical moment--they suddenly discover it's all been a big misunderstanding. Then, we bow... say pithy farewells... and follow our separate paths. Such is the way of the true martial artist!'

While I thought this was the only appearance of the MC2’s Howard the Duck, I recently learned this was incorrect. In the pages of S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 3) #10 the Main Marvel Universe’s well known Howard the Duck is sent on a mission with  to repair damage done to the fabric of existence  by the events of Spider-Verse and thus ‘mend the omniversal zipper’ which was causing various anomalies.  Alongside S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Leo Fitz and various alternate reality versions of himself, Howard found the ‘omniversal zipper’ on the being known as The Liverer. As the zip closed, Howard caught a glimpse of various alternate versions of himself, including the MC2’s own Master of Quack-Fu.


Well, that’s it for Howard the Duck in the MC2. Never thought he’d show up again, but it was a nice surprise!


Until I wind up as beloved as the frustrated fowl, I remain




Sunday, 22 August 2021

The Watcher in the MC2


With the new What If...? show now streaming away on Disney+ I figure now is the best time to talk about one of the series most iconic characters, everyone’s favourite observant extra-terrestrial in a toga, Uatu aka The Watcher in the MC2.


Despite May ‘Mayday’ Parker aka Spider-Girl making her debut in the pages of What If (vol. 2) #105, the comic series ‘host’ The Watcher doesn’t appear within to set up the tale nor play the narrator as he often did.

  Uatu actually first shows up in the pages of the mini-series Last Hero Standing with issue #1. It’s here he gives the reader a quick history of the MC2 reaching back to birth of Age of Heroes, clearly referencing the Main Marvel Universe’s beginnings. The Watcher notes he can see that a pivotal moment is coming which may end the modern Age of Heroes and bring a new era of darkness.


At the conclusion of Last Hero Standing, Loki is revealed as the antagonist and leaves Captain America dying. Uatu watches as Thor combines Asgardian magic with his friend’s spirit, transforming the hero into a new star in the sky. The Watcher informs the readers that it will shine until the end of time and ‘serve to inspire countless new generations of heroes!’ (Last Hero Standing #5)


Unfortunately, the next time we see Uatu is also the last time. The Watcher states ‘the time has come for me to witness one final critical juncture’ before he and half of the Earth’s Moon are blasted away by Galactus’ herald Dominas. Presumably The Watcher is killed in this attack, though this is not confirmed (Last Planet Standing #3).


 Fortunately, the newly birthed being composed of the combined Silver Surfer and Galactus uses a new form of energy- The Power Essential -to repair the damage wreaked during his former self’s plot. So, it’s possible -though again, not stated- that Uatu was restored also (Last Planet Standing #5).


That’s all we have for everyone’s favourite Watcher in the MC2. Brief, but surely true to form for the character. Perhaps he’ll narrate something momentous in the future?


Until I figure out how to look *that good* in a toga, I remain



Thursday, 5 August 2021

Raptor Ramblings



While working on the Drago Family Tree I found some nice little details about Raptor that I wanted to share, but they didn’t really fit into that post. So, here’s a little entry detailing some more info about Brenda Drago: Raptor Ramblings.


Let’s start with something that might be kind of obvious but interesting nonetheless: Both Brenda and her father, Raniero ‘Blackie’ Drago wear protective headgear while flying. I mention this because it’s something originated by Blackie during his initial short-lived career as The Vulture (Amazing Spider-Man #48).


It’s also worth noting that Raniero rigged his helmet with a short-wave radio receiver. Brenda’s Raptor helmet keeps her in constant contact with her partner in crime (and abusive POS) Tony, both via audio and visual means (Spider-Girl #18). Later, as with all member of the New Warriors initially, Brenda’s helmet used an additional headset with microphone to maintain contact (Spider-Girl #43). While serving on Special Agent Weadon’s team Raptor apparently returned to using her helmet’s internal communication, as unlike her teammates, she is not shown to wear an earpiece with microphone (Spider-Girl #62).


Another nice piece of symmetry between Brenda and her father’s initial appearances is their choice of targets. Raniero attacks a wall street messenger who’s chained to his briefcase, flying off with the man and threatening to drop him him to get at the contents (Amazing Spider-Man #48). Brenda does nearly the same thing, targeting a diamond courier named Theo Rudolpho who’s chained to his briefcase, only this time the man is nearly killed when his briefcase handle breaks and he falls from a great height (Spider-Girl #18). Unlike her father, Brenda shows remorse for her actions and begins stealing food and leaving it at the man’s door, which eventually leads to her eventual redemption (Spider-Girl #28).

I’ve said in the past I love the Official Handbooks of the Marvel Universe, and I do, but I also understand they are limited by page-space and time-factors as well as simple human error. While the following aren’t really mistakes, they are small omissions from Raptor’s profile in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #3 I’d like to see one day in an MC2 Handbook. In addition to the noted abilities of her winged suit, Raptor’s wings are able to be disengaged, folding up like a cape behind her and freeing up her arms (Spider-Girl #93, #97, Amazing Spider-Girl #26, #28). Finally, on at least one occasion, Brenda has made use of gas grenades which use gas that clings to their target and render them unconscious (Spider-Girl #62).

Okay, I think I’ve rambled enough for today. Brenda is a great character and a wonderful example of the redemption arc Spider-Girl has helped enable in members of her rogue’s gallery.


Until I run out of things to love about the MC2, I remain

