Sunday, 23 October 2022

Spider-Symmetry: Mary Jane and the Smythe Family


Another quick post, this time for my long-neglected Spider-Symmetry series. For today’s entry, I wanted to show a fun little connection between two Spidey comics separated by 20 years and a whole universe.


First up in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #19 we meet Alistaire Alphonso Smythe, the son of Spencer Smythe. In his first appearance Alistaire is an overweight man who worked for the Kingpin until he is promptly fired. We also learn that Spencer Smythe left Alistaire and his mother, only visiting occasionally, and ignoring Alistaire, in his obsession talking only of destroying Spider-Man. Due to some silly shenanigans, Alistaire captures Mary Jane and her Aunt Anna, mistakenly believing MJ is Spider-Man until his flying saucer-style Spider-Slayer crashes into powerlines. While the cover of this story depicts Mary Jane removing her coat to reveal she is wearing a Spider-Man costume beneath, this unfortunately does not actually occur within the issue itself.


Staci Smythe
 makes her first appearance as an unnamed store clerk in the Spider Shoppe when May first discovers the place in Spider-Girl #45. We later learn more about Staci Smythe in Spider-Girl #91 when she is revealed as the costumed villain La FantomeStaci Smythe desired to be a famous fashion designer and attended fashion college. While there she was recruited by Mary Jane Parker to work at the Spider Shoppe upon its opening, allowing her to pay for her education. Recognizing Staci's surname, Mary Jane had hoped to give the young woman a break from the stigma of her family's name, which Staci evidently greatly appreciated.


Disguised as La FantomeStaci began making attacks on Daniel Kingsley at his Spider-Women themed fashion show and warehouse office as revenge for his profiting from idea's stolen from the Spider ShoppeStaci also organized a rally in support of the Spider Shoppe which attracted the police, prompting her to don her La Fantome guise once more. However, La Fantome undone when her fellow rally attendee's (including Spider Shoppe secret-owner Mary Jane Parker and Spider-Girl herself, May Parker) joined forces to surround her wearing various spider-costumes allowing Spider-Girl the opportunity to easily apprehend and unmask her. 


So, we have both stories, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #19 and Spider-Girl #90, featuring Mary Jane in the classic Spider-Man costume and both featuring a Smythe Family member as the antagonist, albeit with the latter issue revealing Staci at least meant well. Plus, this time Mary Jane wore the costume in the issue itself! Heck, going way back to the events of Amazing Spider-Man #25 (and visited by a time-travelling Mayday in Spider-Girl #10-#11), both Spencer Smythe and Mary Jane’s first appearance (albeit an obscured appearance), the resolution of the plot involves a Spider-Man costume being used to thwart the Spider-Slayer too. But maybe that’s a stretch?


Until I stop having my brain wrinkled by these fun little touches, I remain





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